
OAU Students Union President Denies The Purchase Of Bus With 3millon Naira

Our union is the greatest, our union is the alpha and omega, our union is the almighty, no one is above our union. *Oyekan Ibukun Edward.*‎
Ever since I became President, I have never come out to reply critics. But, I believe it is very important at this point for me to come out and clear the air because of the lies that have been flying around lately to dent my name and leadership.‎
Greatest Ife! Articulate Ife!! The union has successfully gotten a 14-seater Toyota bus for *transportation scheme* and not for *Union Movement* after noticing the challenges students face at night at bus stop.
Commercial drivers on campus are not allowed to be on campus after 9pm, this always cause transportation challenges to students who want to go back to gate/town after 9pm on campus, and this necessitated the idea of the union getting buses for *transportation scheme* within campus such that when you are on campus till 9pm, 10pm, you are rest asured there is a bus that will drop you at the gate.
*What necessitated the purchase of a 14-seater Toyota bus?*‎

We initially wanted to go for a 18-seater bus but we observed it will be too long for a transportation scheme within campus and as such we settled for a 14-seater which is moderate for a transportation scheme on campus.
*Why Toyota?*

Having fully understood that Toyota products are the best and knowing fully well that Toyota products are strong, durable and lasting, we settled to go for Toyota products, though quite expensive.
It is better to go for what is expensive but strong, durable and lasting than to get what is cheap but weak and not durable. Few sessions ago, the union got 2 buses for transportation scheme but today, the rest is history.
Even though poor managememt maybe part of the issues behind the failure then, those buses were Passat products and even Nigerian used. But as President, I will rather not go for anything than going for what is not the best. And as such we went for Toyota even though we all know Toyota products are expensive.
*On the amount the bus was bought?*‎

I have seen a lot of posts from some students who said we claimed to have gotten the bus for 3Million Naira. That is absolutely not true. It is a total lie. As President, I have never disclosed the amount the bus was bought to the public. I was surprised at the extent some people can go just to dent an individual’s image and pull him down. Greatest Ife! Ariticulate Ife!! This union is not an end, it is just a means to an end and as such as President, I cannever use this means to an end to spoil my end.
I can boldy say it anywhere, I am not corrupt and I will never be. I am not fraudulent in all my dealings and I will never be. As President, this is just a stepping stone, if we fail here, we have failed the country looking up to us to save her from the current set of corrupt leaders we have.
I would have loved to state the amount the bus was bought here but for accountablity, I want anyone who is interested or anyone who is vast about buses to find out how much a *Grade 1 Tokunbo Toyota 14-seater Bus* is being sold anywhere and put the amount public ‎for all students to see, after then we will release the amount, the receipt and location of where the bus was gotten from. Greatest Ife! Articulate Ife!! Let us desist from hearsay and go with facts and figures as intellectuals that we are.
As President, I never said the bus was gotten for 3 Million Naira, anyone one spreading such is hell-bent on tarnishing my image and inciting students against my leadership. *Greatest Ife beware of such liars.*
*Why not use the Students Union Coaster Bus?*‎
The time students suffer transportation challenges the most on campus is at night by 8pm and above because the commercial drivers will not be allowed to be on campus by 9pm due to security purposes. The crowdedness always at bus stop at that time is always alarming and anytime I come out of SUB at night and I see such, I cry within and feel bad.
Initially we wanted to be using the Students’ Union Coaster Bus to transport students to gate every night but the only challenge we faced was who to drive the big coaster bus at‎ night. The drivers that do drive the bus told us they cannot work at that late time (8pm – 10pm) and as such we could not use the Students’ Union Coaster Bus.

*Can one bus serve 35,000 students?*‎

The ‎essence of getting that bus was not to transport 35,000 students at once. The main reason why the union will be getting buses for transportation scheme is to solve the crowdedness at night (after 9pm when commercial drivers will be off) at the bus stop.
Yes, one might not be effective for now but Rome was not built in a day. When the Western Region started University of Ife in 1962, they started with just 4 faculties, no one complained that how will 4 faculties accomodate all secondary school leavers in Southwest then, and by 1982, the University had additional faculties and even a College of Health Sciences.
Yes, one bus might not be very effective now, but we need to start somewhere, a legacy that others can follow and develop. How will you feel as someone that stays in town, maintenance or gate and after leaving the library by 9.30pm, instead of being stranded as usual because commercial drivers are off, you easily get a bus that will conviniently take you to gate.
Very soon, the second one will come. By the time we have two transportation buses, under proper management and good maintenance, transportation challenges and crises at night on our campus will be history.
At this point, let it be clear to everyone that as President I have never been involved in any fraudulent action and I will never do such because we are those this country is waiting ‎for and as such we much set good examples from now so that we will do it better when we get there.
As President, Great Ife Students’ Union, I am leading the most intellectual and radical students in Africa and as such I dare not decieve you because if I do, I am dead!!! But please, lets us all beware of liars that will always want to divide us.
Aluta Continua! 

Oyekan Ibukun Edward
President, OAU_SU
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